

2 nov 2009

Dengan rasa berat hati meninggalkan anak dan suami di Johor, aku melankah menuju ke kota Kuala Lumpur memulakan tugas baru ke jawatan lama tetapi gred yang baru. Penerbit Rancangan B27. Alhamdullulah ada jugak rezeki aku. Tapi apapun memerlukan pengorbanan berjauhan dengan keluarga terutama anak tercinta, Mohamad Efsha Zafreen 1 tahun 2 bulan.

4 nov 2009

2 hari menghadiri kursus induksi khusus aku ditempatkan di Unit hiburan bahagian Produksi..Aduhai, jauh sungguh target utk menyertai team KLfm. Terkedu aku menerima kenyataan itu. Apa yang ada di kepala aku waktu itu ..tukar unit..tukar unit..tukar unit..

5 nov 2009

AKu mula melapor diri ke ketua unit aku. ALamak, sekali lagi aku terkedu melihat suasana dan budaya kerja di unit tersebut. Amboi..eksyen-eksyennya. Lalu aku terus menyiapkan surat permohonan penukaran unit ke Unit Berita TV. Nasib baik bos di Unit itu merupakan x-bos lama aku semasa di JAKIM. Begitu susahnya nak mintak tukar unit hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu.
Terlintas untuk pulang sahaja ke Jhor memeluk anak aku.


Pagi ke unit hiburan mendapatkan surat dar ketua unit utk dihantar ker Sumber mnusia. Tapi surat tue belum di sign lagik. Aduh geramnya. Tampa membuang masa, terus aku balik menuju ke Johor.

7 8 9 10 nov 2009

Alangkah bahagianya hati ini dapat berjumpa anak aku.. Tiada kata nak menggambarkan perasaan itu. ...

11 nov 2009

Masih tiada jalan penyelesaian masalah penempatan aku. Sekali lagi rasa bosan menerjah masuk diri ku ini


Masalah dengan kereta

Susahnya bila tak ada kereta. Susah lagi bila ada kereta tapi selalu bermasalah. Lagi susah nak jual kereta yang masih banyak lagi hutang dekat bank tapi harga kereta dah drop. Itulah kereta buatan malaysia.
Dan susah jugak nak jual kereta yang mcm nie dan membeli kereta yang lain.
Kenapa susah? Kerana faktor keewangan yang terhad.
Kalaulah aku banyak duit, tak der aku jadikan kereta malaysia sbg kereta pilihan. Bukan nak berlagak sombong atau angkuh atau tak kenang dek untung atau apa pun....
Sbb aku dah serik mengadap kereta bautan malaysia aku nie yang rosak tepi highway, tepi jalan hutan, tak hidup enjin..........

Bilalah aku nak merasa pakai BMW...Mercedes Benz.... Mini Cooper....????!!!!


lanjut sudah umur ku..

4 Mac 2009 lepas genap sudah umur aku 26 tahun.Apa yang aku ada sewaktu umur aku 26 tahun.

1. Seorang Suami
2. Seorang Cahaya Mata yang sangat comel
3. Menjadi seorang Pegawai Kerajaan.(Walaupun grednya tidaklah tinggi,
tapi aku bersyukur kerana mempunyai pekerjaan tetap yg dapat menjamin masa depan ku)
4. Pengalam bekerja sebagai seorang Wartawan TV, Wartawan akhbar dan kini seorang DJ
Radio.Pengalaman yg tidak boleh dibeli dan bukan semua org berpeluang untuk
menjadi seperti aku. Im proud of myself....
5. Sebuah kereta yg agak usang walaupun baru (GEN2)

Inilah yang aku ada dan dapat setelah aku berumur 26 tahun.Aku bersyukur dengan apa yang aku miliki sekarang. Kerana masih ada ramai sahabat dan kenalan yg belum mampu untuk menjadi seperti aku.
Dan semestinya bukan senang untuk aku memperoleh ini semua. Ini memerlukan pegorbanan,kejujuran dan kesabaran yang mendalam.
Adakalanya apa yang diimpikan tidak menjadi. Namun aku terima hakikat kehidupan tidak semua impian akan menjadi keyataan. Namun setiap impian tidak mustahil untuk ditunaikan jika kita berusaha dan bekerja dengan lebih keras.
Itulah yang perlu aku lakukan kini... Bekerja dengan lebih gigih.. berusaha dan terus berusaha.

Dan tahun ini juga rakan-rakan sebaya ku akan seusia dengan ku. Ada yang masih mencari..ada yang terus berkhayal dengan dunianya, ada yag terus berusaha dan terus gigih bekerja...
Aku berdoa agar kalian akan terus sukses dan hidupnya akan diberkati Allah SWT.
Kepada yang masih berkhayal... ingatlah umur kita semakin lanjut.
Masanya sudah tiba utk perubahan....


Boria Xtra Gens...

Assalamualikum kami ucapkan
Kepada semua rakan-rakan dan taulan
Kami XTRA GENS akan mempersembahkan
Boria Pulau Pinang kami pertaruhan

Pagi-pagi kena bagunlah awai
Kalau pie lewat nanti kena tibai
Mula maik sini siapa pumn tak kenai
Dah lama dok sini rasa tak mau tinggai

Hari pertama layanan sempurba
Hari kedua supper pun tak ada
Bukan kami nak kata
Cuma untuk diluah apa yang dirasa

Dok tang mana-mana semua sama saja
Yg penting cuma jangan duk buat pala
Mai kurusus induksi buka saja-saja
Bukan terpaksa tapi memang kena

Setiap aktiviti wajib dihadiri
Tapi lakukan dengan hati-hati
Jika tak cuba walaupun sekali
Pastinya nanti kita yang keji

Kita semua dalam kerajaan
Ada arahan syarat dan aturn
Jangan pula kita buat kesalahan
Jaga nama baik dalam jabatan

Bila balik nanti jangan lupa diri
sessi induksi pada kali ini
Adalah memori pahit bagi kami
dan juga manis buatlah kami

sekian saja persembahan kami
sekadar hiburan untuk malam ini
kalau ada silap harap dimaafi
supaya tak simpan dalam hati....


Kenangan bersama kumpulan Extra Genz..
Kursus Induksi Umum
22-2-2009 till 2-03-2009


aku cuba membantu org sekeliling mana yang patut... mana yang terdaya.... mana yang termampu. Tapi kenapa bantuan aku itu kerap kali di salah tafsirkan.....
Arghhhh.... aku bosan. Kadang-kadang mahu sahaja aku buang jauh-jauh sifat 'menolong, bantu-membantu' yang ada dlm diriku nie jauh-jauh..

Apa pun... keluarga ku adalah keutamaan. My baby... is my life now...
Walaupun adakalanya aku berkelahi, marah, merajuk, bermasam muka... tapi kebahgiaan itu tetap ada,tetap muncul di akhir jalan cerita. Itulah yang aku pelajari.

Bukan mudah membuang apa yang kita miliki begitu sahaja...
ia melibatkan emosi yang dalam.
Hanya kesabaran,kesetiaan,kejujuran dan keikhlasan yang dapat mengatasi segala-galanya.



Dear All,
With the recent fiasco surrounding a criminal's death that has been glorified by irresponsible and opportunistic Politicians and individuals, it must be hard for our Police force to carry on with their duties with all the abuse and accusation throw their way.
I do not know most of you but managed to obtain your e-mail addresses accidentally through a friend and would like to personally inform you that not all Malaysians believe that what took place in Taipan Police Station is wrong as it did lead to the recovery of cars that were forcefully stolen from their rightful owners.
I am a Malaysian of Indian origin and fully support the actions and manner with which the Police have dealt with the criminals in this country and hope that the spirit of our Police Force will not deteriorate nor reduce in any way as for innocent and law abiding citizens like me and my family, PDRM is our last line of defence.
My wife and I have written a letter to the NST Editor but are not sure if it would be printed. As such I would like to share this letter with you and hopefully you can share it with your Police colleagues and friends as we definitely are depending and counting on our Police Force to help us life a safe and meaningful life without being afraid to exercise our most previous gift of all, FREEDOM to live the way we choose and not in fear of the rising crime rate.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
David Mac Guhan

I REFER to ‘Kugan’s case exploited’ (The Star, Jan 29). I could not have said it better. It is sad to see how car theft suspect A.Kugan has been portrayed as a hero. My husband and I were victims of car theft and based on our traumatic experience which happened in front of our house; these criminals who hijack cars are ruthless and are willing to kill anyone. Trust me; these criminals are not racially biased when picking their victims!

They ambush their victims with parangs, hammers and other weapons and literally start hammering and slashing their victims. Despite offering the car key, they pushed us into the vehicle and continued bashing us up.

They took away our jewellery, money, watches and hand phones. We pleaded with them and remained absolutely quiet and agreed to do whatever they wanted hoping they would spare our lives. They took us on a terror ride and dumped us in a palm oil estate with our eyes blind folded and our hands and legs tied. We were lucky to survive but we were badly beaten up.

We have at least five friends who have had their cars hijacked ruthlessly. One of whom sustained severe head injuries and was hospitalised for three months. The question that begs to be answered; what about the rights of the victims? What about our rights - we were fighting for our lives when they assaulted us and instilled fear in our lives. What about the rights of the society who wants to live in a safe neighbourhood?

Are we expected to be constantly living in fear when we drive fancy cars or own expensive properties. Isn’t it our right to spend our hard earned money any way we choose to and not be afraid of criminals who decide to earn their living by taking it away from others?

And when crime happens, we insist on the police to take swift action and when there is no result, we criticize the police for incompetence. So for the police, its doom if you do, doom if you don’t. Giving criminals more ‘privileges’ would only encourage the police not to take stern action against these ruthless criminals.

Let’s face it; there are methods in which the police use to gather information from suspects especially when one is caught red-handed. (The deceased was arrested after a car chase, where the car involved was reported as robbed). You really don’t expect a criminal to volunteer information on their criminal activities.

I wonder if the same heroic treatment would be given to criminals who rape and molest children. Crime is a crime no matter who does it. There are many other important issues to focus on instead of giving a heroic treatment to criminals who really deserve what comes in their way when they are caught.

Let us be extremely cautious in what we wish for and portraying the deceased as a hero is something that will make criminals even bolder. I can only imagine what would go through the minds of the ones who got away.

These criminals probably feel they now can do anything they want. They are no longer afraid of law or the police. They have the politicians to exploit the situation and turn it into a racial issue. It is absolutely despicable!

Let the police do their job. After all, the police have admitted to the assault on the deceased so let the investigations be conducted. I too, like the writer of the letter dread to think the day the police will simply get fed up in crime solving or carrying out their duties.
