
My frens said...

....."hidup kita ni, ibarat peperiksaan.... ada pilihan pada kertas jawapan. hanya ada 1 jawapan yg tepat bagi tiap pilihan yg kita ada... untuk memilih jawapan tu, kita perlu belajar dulu, perlu mendengar, berlatih, mengkaji, mencongak, menghitung, menghafal malah menterjemah... lantas kalau kita kurang semuanya diatas, kita akan jadi tidak pasti...
peperiksaan belum tamat... masa sentiasa ada selagi pengawas tidak memungut kertas jawapan ko.menanda kertas jawapan objektif hanya dengan pensil dear, ada getah pemadam untuk memilih jawapan yg lain... memang berbekas, tapi bila kita tau jawapan yg kita betulkan itu..ternyata tepat, disitulah kejayaannya..
mana ada orang cakap peperiksaan itu mudah.... dan belajar itu mudah ... begitulah hidup"............

Inilah antara nasihat paling shahdu pernah aku terima.. Bila di fikir dan dibaca berulang kali..memang betul kata-kata sahabat ku nie! Tapi time aku skolah dulu masa exam diberi peluang jugak lah nak meniru.

Mcm sahabat aku tulis tadi.."selagi pengawas tidak memungut kertas jawapan" selagi itulah aku masih boleh mengubah jawapan. Adus..lecehnya. Aku nak kena
mengkaji, mencongak, menghitung semula pilihan yang ada utk mencari jawapan yg baru. Mmg sah tak sempat nak ulang tue semua.

Aku pun tak tahu, kenapa selepas semua kepayahan dan kesukaran bagi mendapatkan jawapan yg telah aku pilih itu, aku rasa mcm ada yang tak kena????!!!!! Tapi kalau aku fail ini exam, mmg hancus lah masa depan aku.

Adus.. mmg payah betul..

Tapi ada lah yg menolong aku supaya terus mencari jawapan yg betul dalam kertas peperiksaan tue. Keluarga dan rakan-rakan aku sentiasa memberi aku sokongan..

Thanx to my dear friend, Zyzy yg selalu ada di saat aku memerlukan. Setiap kali aku rasa hilang arah, kau sentiasa ada dan tidak jemu menyokong dan membantu dalam segala kepayahan hidup ini.Kerana kata nasihat kau, aku mampu untuk terus bangun dan meneruskan perjalanan...[Best Friends Listen to what you dont say]

And i would like to say thanx to some one yg aku sdr tak kenal siapa identitinya kerana membuat aku terus tersenyum ... Tak tahu sejauh mana keikhlasan kau tapi aku amat menghargainya.


P/s: Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!



Sometimes, in our relentless efforts to find the person we LoVe we fail to recognize & appreciate the people who LoVe us.We miss out on so many beautiful things & simply because we allow ourselves to been slaved by our own selfish concerns.

Go for the man of deeds & not for the man of words for you will find rewarding happiness not with the man you LoVe but the man who LoVes you more.

The best LoVers are those who are capable of LoVing from a distance, far enough to allow the other person to grow, but never too far to feel the
LoVe deep within your being.

To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop LoVing, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back.

Letting go is not just setting the other person free, but it is also setting yourself free from all bitterness, hatred, & anger that keep in your heart.

Do not let the bitterness rare away your strength & weaken your faith & never allow pain to dishearten you, but rather let you grow with wisdom in bearing it.You may found peace in just LoVing someone from a distance not expecting anything in return.

But be careful, for this can sustain life but can never give enough room for us to grow. We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past but real peace & happiness come only with open acceptance of what reality is today.There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice & beautiful and we just find ourselves getting so intensely attracted to that person.

This feeling soon become a part of our everyday lives & eventually consumes our thoughts & actions
The sad part of it is when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more for us than just a
friendship. We start our desperate attempt to get noticed & be closer but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded & we end up being sorry for ourselves.

You don't have to forget someone you LoVe. What you need to learn is how to accept the
verdict of reality without being bitter or sorry for yourself. Believe me; you would be better off giving that
dedication & LoVe to someone more deserving. Don't let your heart run your life, be sensible & let
your mind speak for itself. Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well.

Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow:
If you lose LoVe that doesn't mean that you failed in LoVe. Cry, if you have to, but make it sure that the tears
wash away the hurt & the bitterness that the past has left with you. Let go of yesterday & LoVe will find its way back to you & when it does, pray that it may be the LoVe that will stay & last a lifetime.

I am still learning...
Life is Beautiful…